Legendary horror director Tobe Hooper (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Poltergeist) pays affectionate tribute to beloved classic horror movies in this tale of two teenage couples who spend the night in a sleazy carnival funhouse.
Available September 6, 2022 for the first time on 4KUHD, Scream Factory’s release of The Funhouse Collector’s Edition is a two disc set that features a brand-new 4K scan of the film on both UHD and Blu-ray discs, as well as a variety of bonus features, including new interviews with actor Miles Chapin, actor Largo Woodruff, and actor Wayne Doba, a new interview with special effects artist Craig Reardon, and much more! Fans can pre-order their copies now by visiting ShoutFactory.com.
On her first date with Buzz (Cooper Huckabee, True Blood), Amy (Elizabeth Berridge, Amadeus) disobeys her father and goes to the carnival with Richie (Miles Chapin, Hair) and Liz (Largo Woodruff), but their first date may end up as their last. After witnessing a murder, the four terrified teens are trapped in the maze of the funhouse and stalked by a real monster, a horribly deformed killer who lurks among the freakish exhibits to butcher them one by one. Also stars Sylvia Miles (Midnight Cowboy) and Kevin Conway (in three roles).
Featuring special makeup designs by Academy Award®-winner Rick Baker (An American Werewolf In London, Ed Wood).
The Funhouse 4K UHD Collector's Edition Bonus Features
NEW 4K scan of the original camera negative – presented in Dolby Vision
Audio Commentary with director Tobe Hooper, moderated by filmmaker Tim Sullivan
DISC 2 (Blu-ray):
NEW Audio Commentary with author Herbie J. Pilato on THE RETURN OF BIGFOOT Part 1 & 2
NEW 4K scan of the original camera negative
NEW Carnival of Blood – an interview with actor Largo Woodruff
NEW Dance in the Dark Ride – an interview with actor Wayne Doba
NEW Alive, Alive, Alive – an interview with special effects artist Craig Reardon
Audio Commentary with director Tobe Hooper, moderated by filmmaker Tim Sullivan
The Barker Speaks! – an interview with actor Kevin Conway
Something Wicked This Way Comes – an interview with executive producer Mark L. Lester
Carnival Music – an interview with composer John Beal
Audio interview with actor William Finley
Additional scenes added to the network television broadcast version
TV Spots
Radio Spots
Paperback Book Advertisement
Theatrical Trailer