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Some news about the state of In early 2018, our site was hacked and our database (including our backup files) were completely corrupted and deleted. We literally lost 10 years of amazing horror movie reviews, interviews with great filmmakers like John Carpenter and Frank Henenlotter as well as a lot of press coverage for independent horror films. Since then we've thought long and hard about just giving up on More Horror all together. In 10 years we never made any money. Any advertising we did get (which was very sparse) went toward our monthly server and bandwidth costs.
We decided to focus mostly on our social media pages which we have grown a lot over the 10 years thanks to our die hard horror community friends. We actually ended up finding that we get more interaction and "reach" through our horror movie social media pages than we ever did through the MoreHorror website. So we've mostly been sharing horror related articles, reviews and news there. Please follow us and connect over there as this "official More Horror website" will be used mostly as a landing page to direct people to those pages. From time to time, me, Seth Metoyer, will upload a blog entry. I'm not entirely sure exactly what I will be focusing on or how often, but it will most likely be sporadic and my random yammering of opinions about horror that no one probably cares about. Ha!
That all being said, please connect with us on our social media pages and we'll keep bringing the horror!
More Horror Facebook
More Horror Twitter
More Horror Instagram
Seth Metoyer
Metoyer Media Productions
