FAMILY, a Dark, Award-Winning Psychological Drama Coming to DVD/Digital on 10/8. Home is where the hurt is. Lily would do anything to make it go away. In a perfect world, she would have grown up with a loving father, a caring mother, a sane sister and a brother who wasn't madly in love with her. But you can't always get what you want, and Lily finds herself in the living room, staring at four dead bodies. She goes to her therapist after hours, to confess and make sense of her confusing day. But her therapist isn't home. Instead, her judgmental insensitive teenage daughter... is. Lily finds herself, once more, locked in a battle of wills for some serious adult attention. FAMILY is the portrait of every family...if it's shot in the dark. In her third feature -- which also captured "Best Feature Film" at Cinequest San Jose and the Brooklyn Horror Film Festival, and Best Original Score at both the Jerusalem International Film Festival and the Imagine India Film Festival -- Israeli writer/director/star Veronica Kedar combines performance, photography, horror, and memory into a uniquely sympathetic, nonlinear narrative about a young woman driven to kill - a depiction of extremes that attacks the one horror we're all most intimate with: family. AWARDS: BEST FEATURE - Cinequest San Jose Film Festival, 2019 3 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS - Israeli Academy Awards, 2017 BEST FEATURE FILM (head trip competition) - Brooklyn Horror Film Festival, 2018 BEST DIRECTOR, BEST ORIGINAL SCORE - Imagine India Film Festival, 2018 BEST ORIGINAL SCORE - Jerusalem Intl. Film Festival, 2017 POST PRODUCTION AWARD - Haifa Intl. Film Festival, 2016 FESTIVALS Beloit International Film Festival (2019) Cinequest Film Festival (2019) Insolito Festival de Cine (2019) MoMA's 'The Future of Film is Female' Film Series (2019) Utopia Film Festival (2018) Imagine Film Festival (2018) Imagine India Film Festival (2018) Fantaspoa Fantastic Film Festival (2018) Brooklyn Horror Film Festival (2018) Raindance Film Festival (2018) Lund Fantastic Film Festival (2018) Jerusalem Intl. Film Festival (2017) Warsaw Film Festival (2017) Talinn Black Nights Festival (2017) B3 Biennial of the Moving Image (2017)
